Friday, May 2, 2008

O Hum BUG!

I'm so sick of reading and studying books today.
Thank God for blogging-this will be my short break. :P

My friend has just about talked me into running Redlands half marathon on Sunday. I haven't been training so this could be really bad. I've spent to much time analyzing the situation and have decided to do what I want to do. That is run ....i guess. Gosh, I hate being a girl. So indecisive.

I just finished a book for a religion class called The Sunflower. I would recommend to anyone who's interested. It's about a Jewish man who is asked by a Nazi for forgiveness. The Jewish man doesn't know what to say and walks out. The question asked to me, the student, is what would I do? Honestly, I would do 2 things. First, tell the Nazi to ask for God's forgiveness, because I don't know if I can. Second, I would pray that God forgive me and my feelings towards him.
If you get a chance read the book. It's very thought provoking and captures your being to that time and place.

Okay- sorry guys. I just finished my paper, so that's on my mind.

Happy Sabbath! I'm so glad it's Friday :)


Mai said...

Cool, the book sounds interesting. I'll definitely put it on my list of books to read! Good luck on all your school stuff!

Sean said...

I read that book with my freshman class every year! Great book, very thought provoking indeed.