Sunday, August 26, 2007

I'll run til' I die

Last week I joined a marathon training team, The Loma Linda Lopers. It's been a dream of mine to complete an entire marathon. It all started when Dr. Ken, in Saipan, inspired me to do this. He told me that lots of people do it and I could definately do it. Then I started running with Layla. She was my faithful running partner while I lived in Saipan. We'd run almost every night from "The taco place" to the clinic and back. We got really good at it. My only problem was that my shoes were not so good and I'd often get leg cramps. Layla kept me going and I'd keep her going. When I moved here my dad bought me new shoes and I started running again. I started with 2 miles every night and well, now I do close to 5 everyday. I never thought I could do it.

This morning the Lopers told me that I would need something to keep me going...someone or something, because at mile 18 it gets tough. If I have something to keep me motivated I'll finish the race strong. While I'm running I often thing of all sorts of things, my grammy who has polio who's never been able to run, my kindergarten class in Saipan, Jesus and what he did for me, the men and women suffering from cancer, those that inspired me to keep running, etc....

I could run for many reason. If you have a motivating suggestion please let me know. I'd love to get some input...

I also made a cool new friend. His name is Art (he even has a cool name!). He is in the Lopers to train for his 48th marathon. This dude is AMAZING! I started to drag on the last hill this morning and Art slowed down and handed me his water. He said, "drink." So I did...he said, "no, more!" I did, he said, "no more! Drink it up!" He told me I could stop anytime I wanted to (reverse psychology ;)) I knew I didn't need to. I kept going and the last quarter mile we sprinted ahead of everyone. As we sprinted he was yelling, "don't let them see your weakness!!" hahahah

We finished 7 miles strong! :)

Thanks Dr. Ken and Layla for keeping me running :)

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Big Stars, Big Cars, Lots of $$

Hollywood here I come!!!
Last weekend I got an invite from my good friend, Tenessa. She told me how her and her sister were getting their hairs cut in Hollywood just for fun and they wanted me to come. I figured it would be fun and well, it was "alright." I had fun strolling the blvd and gazing in the windows of overpriced stuff.

My conclusions is; if I had the money to spend on fancy clothes and really nice cars I wouldn't. My money would go to the church, missions, Breast Cancer foundation, worthy students, education, etc... you get the idea. It was fun for a day, but I couldn't keep the life "they" live.

And since there are individuals that complain I never post pictures of myself. Here is a picture of me and my friend at a restraunt. (enjoy!)

Sunday, August 12, 2007

My new protector

I've learned that every place I live has their creepy little animals. In Saipan is
was the horrid shrew would run across my classroom and disrupt whatever attention I had from the class.
Then for ten years I lived in Houston, Texas. Their creepy animal was the slug. Everywhere you went...slugs everywhere!! I'd forget to put on shoes and have a nice surprise when I'd step outside. My mother started sprinkling salt crystals everywhere after it happened to her. :) haha

For another 10 years I lived in Dallas, Texas. Their animal is none other then the possum. I remember one time a possum got in our front yard. Our dog attacked and killed it. My dad had to shovel it to the back yard. As it was "dead" in the shovel, all of sudden woke up and moaned. Little did we know, possums play dead. My dad had to beat the little varmit to it's death with the shovel.

East Texas has nasty little armadillos everywhere! One time I was in the woods on my grandparents property and I found a "herd of em!" There was a pack of 5 family armidillos. Babies, moms, dads, cousins, uncles, name it and it was there!

North Texas has lots of coons! Now, the coon might be dangerous, but he's OOH so cute! I don't really have a problem with the coon :)

Don't get me wrong. These animals are seen almost anywhere in America, but I'm simply telling you where I've seen them.

So you're probably wondering where this is going. There is a point...

I've made a new Loma Linda friend. I call him Pepe Le Peu .... He's been following me many nights now. I walk from the library to the dorm and there he is. Every night watching out for me. He's beautiful and dangerous. I can't get to close...he might spray me with that horrendous rank smell. I'd like to think he's watching out for me ready to spray any one that tries to attack.

What animal stocks your home?

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Have you ever missed being somewhere so much that you wished you could freeze time and visit that place and come back, unfreeze, and not miss a thing?
I've felt like that for the past week.
Things have been happening that keep reminding me of Saipan. I know that there are only few people that understand how heart breaking it is to leave Saipan after you've made friends and an island family.
I miss surprising Uncle Dennis and Aunt Judy with cookies, Uncle Mark and Aunt Tammy's dives, Tacos with the gang, Sunday morning runs w/ the Piersons, watching deep blue with Greg, teasing John, singing with Grant, Pastor Eliki's crazy smile when he get's excited, oh yea and who can forget the Schmidt's and their beautiful home, visiting Kinder parents, eating great foods, endless nights of The OC with the girls, vespers at the Maycocks, Aunt Judy's attempted excuse to get me out of prior comittments :), singing so loud and dancing so hard with kindergarten, Alvins hugs, Quincy's smile, Cryus' knowledge, Goodman's behavior (yes, believe it or not, i miss it), Jonah's beautiful eyes and how he'd get bashful when I'd tell him that, I miss the church and helping teach, forgetting to bring food for potluck (oops), laughing so hard with Barbara when the "ice cakey man" tried to argue in fron of the church (haha), and of course, the GORGEOUS sunrises Saturday mornings on Bonzai....
Oh dear, the list could go on for days-(I won't put you through that)
I miss you guys! You will always be held close to my heart. Thank you for the good times :)
These are some of my favorite little people on Saipan.
okay- this is your time to leave encouraging words...
just playing-
Aren't my kiddos cute??

Sunday, August 5, 2007

My good week in a nut shell

This week many good things have happened.
And I will tell you all about order of my excitement (1 being the most).

1. Ken and Crystal were kind enough to share their limited time with me while in LL. We drank Boba tea at the park. I got to meet Kens dog. AND best of all I got to spend the time with some of my most favorite people in the universe!

Thank you Ken and Crystal!

2. I passed Gross Antomy. Looking back on those late nights in the library, someone drilling me on orgin, insertion, nerve innervation, and action of every muscle in the body, I can honestly say I don't miss it at all! I'M FINISHED with that mess-

3. Sunday I got to talk to Krystal, one of my best friends from undergrad, and Christine, my best friend. I haven't talked to them in weeks. Christine was driving back from a fun trip to Oklahoma with her mom, brother, and baby cousin. Krystal is driving to California Monday morning and I might actually get to see her this weekend :)

4. I discovered the Drayson's dry sauna this morning after my swim. It was truly A-Mazing! I don't know what it is about sweating, but I kind of like it.

5. Lastly, the man at starbucks gave me a vente for the price of a tall. It was my lucky day folks!